Friday, February 11, 2011


OK... I'm sitting in the cafeteria at one those blue tables, enjoying my egg salad sandwich on whole wheat. By the way, Southern Sweets does it up right when it comes to sandwiches. Well, as I savor the taste and enjoy every bite, I randomly check out the scene. My students seem to be enjoying the social scene of the elementary cafeteria. Talking, laughing, eating...all is right with the world. Honestly. No disasters today. I'm getting a little bored, so I start comparing hair. I look over at the table where a group of boys are sitting and wonder, "How long has it been since they've washed their hair?" Then I scan some of the girls' heads and conclude, "thoroughly washed and groomed." I notice there's this shine with their hair that the boys hair is lacking. I wonder, do the boys, like, smell the odors of all that unwashed hair as they scarf down their lunch? But then I think, how can they? They all smell the same.
Let me just say this, in all my years of teaching, I've rarely seen a girl come to school and her hair not have been given some attention prior to entering the classroom. On the other hand, I rarely have seen a boy come into class without his hair sticking up in all directions and sometimes smushed up to one side. I think this is called bedhead. The funny thing is, they think nothing of it. When I inquire as to a comb, they give me this confused look...does not compute. Boys are so funny.
Lunch comes to an end and out we go to one of the two reasons many children come to school...recess. The other being PE.


  1. You've been looking into my son's mirror.

  2. Is it louse season? Is there such a season?

  3. But when they ask the hair the hair say no and they cant wash the hair if the hair say no.
