Friday, February 4, 2011


OMG! What a day. First, paint gets splattered all over the walls and then...paint gets splattered allover the walls. This makes me think of a top 10 list.
Well, let me make a top 10 list of things you should never do as a teacher.

1. When asking a child to help out, NEVER give them a bucket of paint and ask them to return it back where you got it. It doesn't matter that you checked the lid to make sure it was securely on, or that the bucket has a handle, or that it was only half full. Because, if it can happen, it will happen, especially in the hands of a 10 year old boy.

2. When having your students paint anything, NEVER let them paint in their school clothes, even if they promise they will be careful. BECAUSE if it can happen, it will happen, especially in the hands of a 10 year old.

3. When having your students handle scissors,NEVER let them use them to cut cardboard. BECAUSE, get ready, if it can happen...

4. When cleaning up paint that has been splattered all over the floor, walls, and doors NEVER try and scoop up the piles with your hands and try to put it back in the bucket. The paint will dry quickly on your hands and make it hard to use the interactive whiteboard.

5. Always have a back-up plan in case the unthinkable happens and NEVER think that those who you need most will understand.

6. NEVER use a non-water based paint. The unthinkable always happens.

7. Even if it was said to be an accident, as you are unknowingly stepping into a puddle of paint, NEVER lose your cool.

8. As you are trying to clean up a paint splattered disaster, NEVER, after having stepped in it, walk to a different location. It will "follow you" and you will have more to clean up.

9. When you finally make it back to class, NEVER tell the truth about the paint that is streaked across your face or the paint that it is now your new highlights. Let your students think that your trying out a new fad.

10. Never get so angry that you can't laugh. This is very important.